ICITS Conference Proceedings are double blind-reviewed.  The reviewer and author do not know each other. Practically, Editor elects a minimum of two reviewers for the review. Peer reviewers are specialists in their field. The process of peer review can be seen here. Organizers have a tendency to build a pool of peer reviewers that have a good record of producing high-quality reviews. Or we have a tendency to scan the bibliography to identify potential reviewers.

The proceeding editorial boards consider the report or feed-backs provided by the peer reviewers in a piece of writing and take a call. The foremost common choices, that we have a tendency to make for an article publication, are:

Accept the article without any changes

Publish the article in its original type as provided by the author.

Accept the article with minor revisions

Asks the author to form little corrections and then publish the article.

Accept the article once major revisions

Raise the authors to form the changes urged by the reviewers and/or editors: after revision publish the article.

Revise and resubmit the article

The Chief Editor fails to simply accept the article within the current spherical and willing to rethink the article in another spherical of decision making once the authors build major changes within the article as urged.

Reject the article

The Chief Editor will not publish the article or reconsider it though the authors build major revisions within the article.


Plagiarism is repeating another person’s text or concepts and spending the derived material as his/her own work.

Plagiarism is use of any other author’s work and claiming as his/her own work. Plagiarism is academic dishonesty and can constitute copyright infringement. No publisher should publish these types of plagiarized articles.

ICITS Conference Proceeding Editorial Board has a strict plagiarism policy. We don’t publish any article which is copied from any other published article without providing proper reference with limited content.

You may not even understand you’re plagiarizing. It is your responsibility to create bound that you simply perceive the distinction between quoting and paraphrasing, also because the correct ways to cite and delineate quoted material.

We pass all the paper with this policy to reduce plagiarism of the article. We check article with software tool (Turnitin) before passing it to the reviewer.


After receiving article we checks initial plagiarism using Turnitin and afterwards it is being handled as follows:

If Plagiarism is <10 %:

If we find Plagiarism <10% we send paper for further processing.

If Plagiarism is 10-30 %:

In this case we send back to the author for further revision.

If Plagiarism >30 %:

We reject Article straight forward if Plagiarism is more than 30 % and advise the author for complete revision of Article and author has to resubmit the article.


If we find Plagiarism after publishing of paper then after verifying the copied content the paper may be retracted.

ICITS Conference Proceeding Editorial Board always recommend to check Plagiarism before submission to the conference and author should not submit the same paper to multiple conference proceedings for publications.


If we reported our published paper is being copied by another author of different/ same publisher without proper citation then we will inform editor of that publisher with complete detail. After that it will be handled at editor level.

If you find any plagiarized articles with us then please send details at: [email protected]